The Sun Is Good For Us As Food And A Healer

 We need to expose ourselves to the sun more than ever.  There is some ignorance going on about sun exposure. The reality is that the sun nourishes us and heals us.
Megastar – THE SUN – nourishes our bodies and like trees we grow. Gases of sun created all forms of life. The protons released from the sun are captured by the skin, affecting every cell. An inadequate amount of solar energy results in the growth of microbes, the hijacking of mutagens. Microscopic life depends on the rays of the sun.
     We consume the sun as food…just as plants capture it as chlorophyll. Some eat sun indirectly as plant food.
You can also breathe the sun and be filled with its holy spirit of vitamins.  As you breathe, you inhale the energy of the sun.




A particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation…

     The light is the original life.  Light comes from the sun in the form of photons.  This is  a living organism.  You, in turn emit this bio-photonic energy and some call it an aura.  Others call it a shell.  These lights induce biological processes crucial to ideal bodily functions.  The process of mitochondria when studied, reveal light emitting factors.  It is for this reason that we have access to the all or what some call the Akhashic Record.  So thank the sun the next time the future or past is revealed to you.  We receive same information at night by way of the Moon.  But the Sun behind the Moon is the actual source.  But we still thank the Moon for reflecting such a Great Light.

 Psychological changes occur when you move away from the sun.  These changes are detrimental to your health.   It has been discovered that suicide and depression increase in areas where the sun does not shine year round.  Vitamin D is needed by the body in order to inhibit disease.  The opposite can result in lupus, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid problems and auto-immune encephalomyelitis.  hypertension and tuberculosis are reduced by it.  We all feel better on a sunny day.  Vitamin D is now considered a hormone.
You can name just about any disease and discover that it is improved by exposure to the sun.  Diabetes, gout, and ulcers are but a few examples.  Even patients with Alzheimer’s are being coached into stepping out into the sun.  Plaques form around the brain when there is no sun.  Therefore, there is a connection between brain atrophy and sunlight.

     There is an argument about skin cancer being associated with exposure to the sun.  Thus, you must understand balance.  Exposure to UVA (short radio waves) and UVB (Ultraviolet rays) radiation has a immuno-suppressive effect, helping to eradicate auto-immune disease.   The sun releases melanocytes and keratinocytes improving any DNA damage.  The sun helps psoriasis due to its releasing calcitonin, which is a gene related peptide.  All of the above chemical reactions are a result of the body releasing peptide activity in order to fight UV rays.  Thus, exposure to radiation from the sun is good for the body.
     Overall, we need to use common sense in balancing our bodies by exposing it to the sun.  It is to our advantage to expose ourselves to the sun more than ever for two reasons.  The sun nourishes us and the sun heals us.

published & C 2013, Mercedes Beato-Hawkins

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This Is Your Last Time To Enjoy Summer

Friends walking on the beach at sunsetIf you live in a place where Winter lasts forever and summers are short, this post is for you.  I live in a place where Spring can sometimes fee like Winter.  Thus it makes Winter seem to last for days on end.  The Fall isn’t so hot either.

     With that being said, and you are with me so far, you may want to consider taking advantage of these last Summer days.  Here we are, in Mid-August already.  Children and young adults go back to school soon.  It seems that each year, they go back earlier.  I digress.

     My point is that you should be outdoors doing something you love.  Walking by the beach isn’t such a bad idea.  Even if you have to drive, it is still worth it.  It is better to feel as though you took full advantage of summer, than let it pass by.  Soon, you may find yourself stuck in the house because it is too cold to go outside.

Kids playing basketball with a ball up in skyGo by a Lake.  Pretend to fish.  Throw rocks at the Lake.  Watch the ducks.  Enjoy nature.  Speaking of nature, go for a hike.  There are plenty of parks in every city.  Go to a park that you have never been to before.  It may sound silly, but in reality, being next to nature has a healing effect on the soul.  Going to a mall to get out of the house is okay.  But you can do that in the Winter time.

     Go to an outdoor festival.  The more outdoorsy the activity, the better.  Spray bug spray if you must.  I prefer that you use Neem, for it is natural.  Citronella is natural as well.  In fact, while you are at it, go to a fake beach.  Most major cities have man-made beaches.  Some have water parks.  Enjoy the cool feel of water splashing on your face.

Watch children play basketball.  People watch, while outdoors.Students CyclingLast but not least, ride your bicycle.  Borrow one or rent one if you do not have one.  You don’t have to go far, or strain yourself.  The idea is to enjoy the weather.  Did you know that a lot of diseases are caught in the home?  Yes, germs in kitchens and bathrooms are very much there.  Even worst are the chemicals that you use to clean with.  If the air condition is on, chances are, the chemicals are trapped in your house.  Your attitude should be one of opening as many windows as possible, to let those germs and chemicals out.  Air condition and heat come with a price.  Welcome the opportunity to breath fresh air.

     I would hate to see you regretting staying in, as you flashback this winter.  Fresh air can do wonders for your health.  You can take in deep breaths so badly needed, without compromising your health (or smelling pipes, not to mention chemicals).  You will feel as though you did not take nature for granted.  Nature will reward you with optimal health.  Put that remote down.  And the laptop too.  The game as well, such as X-Box, Wii and all other digital games.  Leave that for lonely snowed in Winter.  Can’t let the game go?  You can always go to a cafe and sit outdoors.  Get fresh air!  Thank you for listening. 🙂

c Mercedes Beato-Hawkins 2014

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The Biology Of Crystals

If you attempt to heal self with stones, such as gemstones and crystals, you then align yourself with Mother Earth. This you are creating a spiritual connection.

Crystals are created by a biological process.  To this end, crystals are living beings.  The information they have to give us is startling, yet healing.  Some crystals are created by magma or by the ice cold places.  Snow is a crystal created in cold climate.  If it is molded by lava, then it is called granite.  If the process includes a metamorphic process, then you have marble.

Crystals contain silica, alumina, and many other elements found in your body.  Although rocks do not have the same aspect as vitamins, they do activate your energy centers.  So if your third eye is closed or any other energy center in your body, you can get stuck in more ways than one.  Your soul can stagnate.  Let The Mineral Kingdom assist you.

We have 64 ways to connect to the higher source.  We have potentials that have not even been tapped into. Stones/gemstones/crystals serve to activate your DNA.  This is why the Egyptians, Africans and Native Americans would wear jewels.  It wasn’t just for adornment.


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Success At Any Age

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND.  That is me quoting lyrics from my song, Times Are Trying. Copyright, Mercedes Hawkins. It’s also the subtitle, and the chorus.  And I do believe in what I am saying in this lyric.  I would like to inspire people who are vacillating between starting a venture while thinking they are too old.

For those who think you are too old to start a venture, let me say this;  a great deal of people do their best work in the latter stage of their life.  Let us take the case of Louise Hay, for instance.  Louise Hay, an abused child, could have given up, thinking she was too old.  Yet winded up a multimillionaire and happy.  She did not set out to become a multimillionaire.  That was a by-product.  She set out to be happy, by using positive affirmations. At 40 she turned her life around.  I believe that is when she went public with her affirmations.  Her book was written in the latter part of her life.  In her seventies she took up art. People loved it.  She was determined to do everything she didn’t get to do as a child. At seventy-plus years (approximately 76), she took up ballroom dancing.  Her publishing company which was created in the latter years of her life became a smash hit.  In other words, no one should give up and say, “it is too late, I am too old to start this venture.”  I mean, you can, but you won’t be justified.  Giving up is a choice, just as self determination is a choice.  The reality is that as long as there is breath, there is hope.

Here is what one study found.  There are just as many successful old heads as there are young heads.  That is to say, that at 70 or 60 or 50, you have just as much chance to succeed as a teenager does, or a twenty year old.

Let us take a look for a brief moment, at the life of Albert Einstein.  Einstein was hitting forty when he published his paper on photon. This same individual spent two years looking for a teaching post before he became famous.  Can you imagine spending two entire years looking for a job?  He was born in 1879 and most of his achievements took place in 1917, 1921, 1905, 1919, 1921 and so you do the math.  

All of this means, life does not always run smooth for successful people.  There will be struggle.  Whether he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics or recognized for his theory of relativity – it all happened at the age of forty and beyond.

LinkedIn’s founder was forty three when he went public with LinkedIn.  Another successful entrepreneur after turning forty is Robin Chase.  Today she is best known for starting the company called Zipcar.  She was a mother, and could have hung to that excuse.  But she chose success instead.  Harlan Sanders was sixty two when he launched Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Pearl Bailey got her degree when she was in her 50’s.  I was there when it happened.  She was the oldest student at sixty seven. 

Today, the shift of entrepreneurial success is changing.  While some folks look at the Facebook founder and the silicon valley notables as young people having all the new ideas, that is not always the case.  A Census report shows the following:

…”the average age of U.S. entrepreneur is actually rising, with the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity shifting to the 55 -64 age group.

Not convinced yet?  Here are some names of entrepreneurs who bloomed after forty.  Ray Kroc, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Sam Walton, Alfred Hitchcock, Steve Jobs and the list is quite exhaustive.  Some of these people were in their 70’s, others in their 60’s, while still others in their 50’s.  It is not uncommon for innovators to reach their apex at 40. True that Vice presidents don’t like to hire older people.  This is ironic because older people do not let money slip by as young people do.  The reasoning is that young people can be controlled or easily molded.  That is even more reason to start your own company when you have reached the societal plateau.  Being your own boss will enable you to use your divine creativity without being hindered by old societal  norms.
There are many more examples, but I will stop here.  Many people who have succeeded are not famous.  One such is founder of CISCO.  Everyone cannot be famous.  But many old people are successful and not necessarily famous.  Think about these folks as you ponder starting a venture.  And never say I am too old for anything.

The next time you think about giving up, just think of the words to my song; ...It’s never too late, to turn your life around.  Also think about all the people who reached their highest achievement when they were in their 40’s 50’s 60’s and 70’s.  

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Walking A Mile In Someone’s Shoes

If you walk a mile in someone’s shoes would you act like them?
How about if you had their circumstances too…in particular, environment/conditions under which they grew up…then would you act like them?

      No?…what if you were born under their sign? then would you respond to situations the way they do?
Don’t be so quick to judge people until you know what makes them tick.
      This is not to excuse evil, because everyone does not take the evil path.  Just try to understand people.   But if they continue in their evil, get out of their way.  If that’s the case you’re going from negotiation/trying to get an understanding to despotism.  My way or the highway is abusive behavior.  If it’s at that level forget trying to understand someone,.  Understand that no matter how charismatic a person is, one should not associate with them in any way whatsoever.  It becomes dangerous just to be around them.  Once a person has been abused, the resulting bipolar behavior is like a walking time bomb waiting to explode.  What do you do with these bruised souls?

“A friendship is between two peers,” says Florence Isaacs, author of Toxic Friends/True Friends. “There has to be balance in a friendship for it to be healthy — not one person whose needs get met and another whose needs are overlooked.”

     No one knows what causes one soul to react differently, while under similar circumstances.  I believe the birth sign plays a role, because the position of the planets at birth does affect  personalities.  I also suspect that previous lifetimes also play a role, and add to the level of trauma to a person’s psyche.  In that case, curiosity kills the cat, because thought process got them there in the first place.  

     But you can see how it can snowball into lifetimes of tragedy.  The people in Europe who captured slaves knew what they were doing in terms of breaking their psyche.  Abuse transcends ethnicity.  But I think of the abuse Blacks were put through, and it is easy to understand why they are so screwed up today.  Husbands were forced to watch their wives get raped and vice versa, mother’s fetuses were sliced and fed to dogs….and so much more that you can’t stand to hear.  So if you cannot stand to hear it, then you can imagine just how broken Black people’s psyche must be.

     Most of them are in denial of what happened to them, just as all abused people are in denial of what happened to them.  It is really sad.  So now you have all these bipolar people walking around in every race, color and creed.

The following checklist is helpful.

Again, if you walked a mile in someone’s shoes would you act like them?  How about if you were in their environment?  How about if you were in their birth sign?  How about if you lived all their lifetimes?

Copyright, Mercedes Beato.

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Kyanite Crystal Aligns All Chakras

 Kyanite is the stone of my choice.  I was at a Gem show and fell in love with, it the minute I laid eyes on it.  I asked the seller for a description and he had none.  So I asked a customer and he replied that it is good for sleep.  So I take it home, put it under my pillow, and sure enough, I sleep like a baby for the first time in a long time.

     Later I learn, that Kyanite aligns all your Chakras, at once.  Wow!  How many stones can align all your Chakras simultaneously?  I kept thinking wow, no more laying down and matching stones to each Chakra.  This takes the brain work out of it!  The point really is I needed realigning badly, after being bombarded with evildoers and evil deeds.  I simply couldn’t understand how some people sleep at night.  How can they do evil things without a conscious…without so much as a flinch?  Worst still is, those who cause death, suicide and then laugh about it.  What is the world coming to?  Is it true that when the world gets this evil, it is time to start over?  Is it a sign of the fall of civilization?

     My mind was racing.  I was literally dodging snakes and bullits.  Choosing my battles carefully is a choice, in itself.  Well in the midst of all these racy thoughts, the answers started coming, one by one.  I’m thinking wow we are not alone.  Every time I reach the end of my rope, here comes some symbol, literature, object or animal that helps clarify things.  This time it was the Kyanite.  It came to me, that not only is it good for sleep but it actually aligns all the Chakras.  This means it balances you.  Most people work at the Chakra that they are weak at.  If you are new this, try lining them up all at the same time.  Okay so you can tell I am excited.

      I place the Kyanite over my crown.  Immediately I felt relief from all the stress, all the stones hurled at me, all the bullets, stakes and knives.  Incredible.  Absolutely incredible is all I could think.  After the crown, I move the stone to my temple.  It worked each time with every intention.  I learned later that it is part of the characteristic of this stone.  It can work in any part of the body.  And just as exciting is the fact that it doesn’t have to be charged!  This is my kind of stone…easy to use.  It is also my favorite color.  But the more I read, the more ridiculous good it got.  And by ridiculous I mean good.  As it turns out, the Kyanite is a Taurean crystal! What better match could there be?  The color blue is my favorite for a reason.  It is the color of the Throat Chakra.  I couldn’t ask for more.  I carried it with me as if I was reading the book or article.  But guess what?  I found out afterwards, all this in those same exact steps!  This is not the first time this happens.  Sometimes I read books before I read them.


copyright Mercedes Beato-Hawkins

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Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

  Why do evil things happen to good people?  It is not always the fault of the victim.  Some say “Oh, they attracted it, through the law of attraction.”  But that is not always the case.  Here is an exception to the rule.  A person can be born into an evil situation.  A child’s parent’s roommate could beat the child silly, so how did the child cause this…or the parents?

     That being said, let us now take on a new perspective as to why evil things happen to good people.  Young people may be abducted and whoever is watching may think the child knows the kidnapper so they move on, with a business as usual attitude.  The public may not be aware of what was said to the young person or victim period.  A threat could have been made, such as “if you scream I will kill you.”  This can happen to a teenager or young adult who may be caught by surprise without pepper spray. 

     On the other hand, there are cases where the victim looks frantic but those passing by, decide to mind their own business.  There have been cases to the other extreme, where people are fully aware that a crime is taking place, but they simply choose not to be  a part of it.  What are the reasons for this?  Perhaps an observer fears getting caught up in the crime.  Maybe they fear becoming a suspect.  Or maybe it is just too inconvenient to be a witness.

     In a case such as a work situation, there are people who fear losing their jobs if they testify.  They may fear that harassment may follow.  Again, others may feel that a testimony is inconvenient.  They are more concerned with their own issues, headaches, problems, whatever.  This is a very selfish stance.  People are not stepping outside of themselves enough to care what happens to a life after a crime.

     What happens to a child after they are beaten to the point where their skin changes color?  What happens to a teen after an attempted rape?  Penetration does not always have to occur for the victim to feel traumatized.  The very idea of being wrongfully handled/fondled can turn the mind into a wrongful spin.  A person can feel worthless or that they are looked upon as worthless because of what happened.  They might feel like “I must be ugly because look what happened.”  Even males who have been handled in a sexual nature grow up with self esteem issues.

     The sad part about all this is that people no longer feel safe walking from point A to point B.  All neighborhoods appear to be targets for crime.  Rich, poor, middle class and all levels in between are not immune to crime activity.  Some people say a prayer before they go out, but that is besides the point.  The point is crime does occur, and once it does, what do you do about unwilling witnesses? 

     The reason why bad things happen to good people, is because we do nothing.  We are too afraid of bullies.  We are too afraid of what bullies might do.  We fear consequences.  This is true of workplace violence especially.  Being verbally assaulted or harassed at work can create the illusion that the receiver is at fault.  Surely the employee must have done something for the boss to be that upset.  They deserve this treatment right?  Few people are ethical enough to step forward and say enough is enough.  Few people are courageous enough to lay their job on the line  in order to bring justice.  By the same token, few people are courageous enough to lay their life on the line in order to save a life.  So overall, crime continues to be the order of the day because people are cowards.  Criminals are good at creating an atmosphere of fear.  This bully mentality, whether in the corporate world, the political arena or the playground counts on the fear syndrome.  Ladies and gentlemen, many children and innocent victims, will suffer today because you feel powerless.

     But the more you study powerlessness the more you realize it is an illusion.  You feel powerlessness because you are using the wrong model,  the what if.  What if this person is too vindictive.  In many cases they are, so you are justified in thinking so.  But don’t take on a defeatist attitude.  You may be surprised to find out that there really is strength in numbers.  If enough people come forward, any bully can be brought down.

copyright 2012, Mercedes Hawkins

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Stress Relieving Fruit And Digestive Aid

I spoke about the importance of getting back to nature now that we are past 2012.   I followed my own advice and became in tune with trees and all that resides outside concrete, man-made structures.  Doing so resulted in a resolution to a current dilemma.

     I had been in a car accident as of May 25, 2012.  This accident caused me a great deal of stress.  For one thing, I had exhausted my leave when I utilized the standard Family Leave Act when I began taking care of my Mom.  At times it seems I am being penalized for being a responsible daughter.  Got accused of using too much leave in more ways than one.  In fact, it prevented me from becoming a SME (Subject Matter Expert).  But it is all political and who you know, considering others have become SME while under FMLA.  In my case, deprivation of my rights perhaps have to do with a nasty EEO case where I was falsely accused.  Reading over the booklets, I can see where data has been manipulated to make me appear criminal.  But I understand this is only being done to save their ars.  The person never said what they said she said in the manner that she said it.  So that is an example of data manipulation in order to justify their action or lack thereof.

     As if this wasn’t stressful enough I am in the midst of a manipulative divorce after having endured abuse that shall remain nameless at this time.  I hope one day he becomes mature enough to admit his faults and take accountability.  So imagine dealing with thugs hitting your car, stressing you, while you are in the midst of a nasty divorce and false accusations at work.  Okay, I know by now you are thinking, “use the law of attraction!”  But let me clarify something.  I didn’t ask to be physically abused in the playpen by my aunt and her daughter.  How does a 7 month old baby attract negativity?  You understand me?  So before you go judging me consider the circumstances of which I was born into.  That being said, it has been a snowball effect of bad luck and no, I did not as a baby initially cause this snowball effect.  That being said, I will now hug myself and forgive myself for attracting negativity all my life including an abusive partner in a marriage that left me traumatized.

     By the time I had my stroke the marriage had already ended emotionally.  Thus, I did not get the care I deserved.  I had to self-feed.  I cannot go into detail of how he destroyed my daughter.  That would take a book.  But I will say that it is a matter of record as far as admitting to police that he treated her harsh and it ended in her” suicide.”  There is a lot that I have to contend with.  For example, the resulting emotional stress of my other children after this.  Not to mention my own post traumatic stress that I have to deal with on my own.
     The divorce has not got nasty yet.  It’s too early.  But it could get nasty all things considered.  For example, the way he has worded the statements in the divorce, it makes it look like I am making more money than him.  How slick.  This could lead to me paying my abuser alimony if he really wanted to stretch it.  He could even say I abandoned him when I was simply fleeing for my life, while he was going through a tantrum or perhaps a bi-polar episode.  But the way society manipulates data they always find a way to make it look like the woman is unstable.  And by society I am including the police in that.  I am also including the job.  My boss said I became unstable after my daughter’s passing and in order to get me fired has accused me of threatening her.  She has manipulated words and misconstrued other people’s words in a report to make it appear there is a corroborating “witness” when there is none.  So in light of the work discrimination, the abusive soon to be ex and the resulting traumatized children coupled with thugs who totaled my car, the resulting expenses, the waiting games because it was on private property, my Mom and I being injured in the accident…all of this is culminating in dire stress.  And of course my siblings are only thinking of how I can lend them money.  As if there is any money left. 

     They never consider I had to come out of pocket in order to rescue my Mom.  There is car rental; there is moving expenses from one state to another; there is months of loss time at work some of which was unpaid to this day.  Yet they are asking where are my Mom’s savings, which was nil by the time I came into the picture.  I mean I could go into detail about the abuse on my Mom and how I was the only one who rescued her but for what?  Why turn it into a book?  I am simply saying that the way society operates, the innocents are the ones who are labeled criminals.

     All that being said, now you know why I am stressed.  Okay so I decide to listen to 13thsun, and I go on get-back-to-nature campaign.  This was my original stance to begin with, so why not?  So as I talk to the trees, leaves, wind, sun and all, I get the message to purchase parcha.  When I walk into the store, the purple parcha began to call me.  I did not want it because I am used to the yellow type.  I thought there was something wrong with it.  But I could not stop staring at it, although I thought it was dried and rotten.  Well as it turns out the purple parcha is superior to the yellow, in terms of quality of vitamins and potency in general. 

     Another name for parcha is passion fruit.  It has anti-oxydants, magnesium, potassium and is great for digestion.  On top of that it is a great stress reliever.  I felt the relaxation energy working as I would eat it.  It wasn’t until after the fact that I read on the Internet about all the qualities I was experiencing.  Thank you mother nature for answering my quest.

copyright 2012, Mercedes Hawkins

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Thinking Positive Is Worth It, When It Comes To Sales

Looks like the Law of Attraction really works.  Guess one has to believe it, to practice it.  For me, it sounded too simplistic.  I was thinking “right, if it is that simple, why isn’t everybody doing it?” 

     My conclusion is that everybody is not doing it because we have been programmed to think negative.  In other words, we have been programmed to worry about the future.  The “what if” syndrome kicks in, when we are faced with the unknown.  I can hear the echo now, “What if I don’t have enough money to pay rent?”  “What if enough people don’t sign up for this multilevel project or sales project?”  “What if my business venture is not productive immediately and I am left holding the bag?”

      Face it.  We have been taught that worrying is tantamount to planning.  The old adage is reverberating right now; “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”  How many of you heard that one?
      Well, today I bear witness, that the minute I started counting my blessings, instead of my misfortune, I received even more blessings.  It has to do with expectations.  If you do not expect people to help you, they will pick up on this vibe and they won’t.  They figure, “you don’t think you are worthy so why should I?”  So, essentially you write your own death warrant or failure warrant, every time you expect people to disappoint you.

      When people are browsing your products, they expect you to help them make up their minds.  Many vendors have a tendency to say, “okay, thank you.”   People pick up on the fact that you do not expect much from them, if anything at all.  You are really saying “bye, I don’t expect you to buy from me, today.”  They pick up the vibe/expectation and go to the next vendor.  Usually the other vendor expects sales, and they get it.  The vendor with little expectations get little, while they are left wondering why they never sell much.  Expectation is everything.  Customers pick up on your expectation of them, believe it or not.  When you have great expectations, in sales, you are saying, “I have a good product and confidence in it, so I know you will too.”  Expectation is everything and it works every time.  Ask any salesman.

      In short, you get what you expect in your personal life and particularly in sales.  So, the next time you sell or need help, do not shortchange yourself.  Expect the best from people, and you will never be disappointed.

copyright 2012, Mercedes Hawkins


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What Is 11:11 About?

Are we awoke or asleep? Ahhh…11:11 means wake up. If your 11th Chakra is not opened, then we are asleep. By now we should have purified our bodies, souls and spirits in order to do The Great Work.  Just in case you are not paying attention let me say this again…you should be tapping into the Akhashic records…the Lioness’s paw, so to speak. 11 11 initiation is waking up female energy…it is subtle…it is nurturing. 

Think of it as The Shekinah aka wormhole…aka vortex…aka opening and I don’t mean feminine in the mortal sense. I’m talking teleportation, travelling beyond space and time..we should be performing these tricks by now. And I don’t mean in the sense of tricks to impress….I mean a preparation for what is to come, being able to exist outside your bodies. Our ancestors were prepared for ascension…did not fear death and because of the preparation could do more than we have ever done! Mind communication was instant. 

Their eleventh Chakras were opened! We are supposed to be prepared by now. INITIATIONS, what the number 11 represents were done to prepare you for what is to come with the opening of the 12th Chakra. Each Chakra is opened in chronological order in self as in the cosmos…as above so below. In the 8th Chakra your heart should have awakened. You should have broke through the membrane of what separates us by now. So the lovers unite as ONE soul. Your emotional body is awakened at this stage. But  the 11th Chakra opening you are supposed heal from past wounds and understand all past traumas. When you purify yourself wholly only then can you ascend to the next level. This holy + whole-ly body purification includes the purification of the mind.

     There are several initiations that take you there, yoga, mantras, meditations, breathings and eating certain foods, drinking certain drinks at certain times. It is done in stages and as ceremonies, by yourself and as a community. By now you should have achieved Sacred Union…ecstasy…humbleness…awe. At the 11th Chakra opening you tap into the spiritual library. You should be able to exist in 2 places at once, engage in astral travel, doing ascension work while still in the physical body. You should be manifesting your heart’s desires. 11 means awakening to your multidimensional self, the BA the Ka soul spirit physical the nature of your auric egg. Your soul should be merging with your Soul. Use a rose quartz on your heart to help you open the eleventh Chakra. This is the self love crystal. Love Thyself. Study the Beatitude. This is prerequisite before walking on water [the 12th Chakra]. In ancient times gods and goddesses were given a glimpse of what was to come as ascended masters. 
     Sorry to repeat myself but too many people are seeing the 11:11 and we have to do something, it is not there just to wonder about…you must act because of what will happen in 2012, sure you can flow along but it is better to be a participant, lest the magma catch you unawares. You must meditate on earth, air, fire and water; and understand the significance of these 4 elements. It will help you with clairvoyance, intuition and telepathy. Soon you will be in a supreme divine alchemy. Especially if you realize that you are always at the right place- right time. RIGHT TIME. 11:11 is the time. Once you realize this you are on your way to self re’alization.”  
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Mercedes Beato-Hawkins previously published this in 2011 Blogspot Linking2yourhealth

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